oropharyngeal membrane

buc·co·pha·ryn·ge·al mem·brane

a bilaminar (ectoderm and endoderm) membrane derived from the prechordal plate; after the embryonic head fold has evolved it lies at the caudal limit of the stomodeum. Synonym(s): oral membrane, oropharyngeal membrane

oropharyngeal membrane

A transient ectodermal membrane formed in embryos where the anterior aspect of the primitive gut contacts the abdominal wall, separating the depression of the stomadeum from the primitive pharynx. The membrane completely disappears by the 4th week, leading to communication between the stomadeum and pharynx.

buc·co·pha·ryn·ge·al mem·brane

(bŭkō-făr-injē-ăl membrān) A bilaminar (ectoderm and endoderm) membrane derived from the prechordal plate; after the embryonic head fold has evolved, it lies at the caudal limit of the stomodeum.
Synonym(s): oral membrane, oropharyngeal membrane.