

单词 one-banana problem

one-banana problem

one-banana problem

A problem, project, or task that requires little to no effort, expertise, or intelligence to solve or complete. Supposedly from the notion that a trained monkey could do what is required. A: "We have to add in some code so that users are able to remain logged into the website, even if they visit other pages." B: "No worries, that's a one-banana problem."See also: problem

one-banana problem

one-banana problem

At mainframe shops, where the computers have operators forroutine administrivia, the programmers and hardware peopletend to look down on the operators and claim that a trainedmonkey could do their job. It is frequently observed that theincentives that would be offered said monkeys can be used as ascale to describe the difficulty of a task. A one-bananaproblem is simple; hence, "It's only a one-banana job at themost; what's taking them so long?"

At IBM, folklore divides the world into one-, two-, andthree-banana problems. Other cultures have differenthierarchies and may divide them more finely; at ICL, forexample, five grapes (a bunch) equals a banana. Their upperlimit for the in-house sysapes is said to be two bananas andthree grapes (another source claims it's three bananas and onegrape, but observes "However, this is subject to localvariations, cosmic rays and ISO"). At a complication levelany higher than that, one asks the manufacturers to sendsomeone around to check things.

See also Infinite-Monkey Theorem.




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