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mil·i·ar·y M0293400 (mĭl′ē-ĕr′ē)adj.1. Having the appearance of millet seeds.2. Medicine Characterized by the presence of small skin lesions that have the size and appearance of millet seeds. [From Middle English miliaris, miliari, skin disease characterized by miliary eruptions, from Medieval Latin miliāris, from Latin miliārius, of millet, from milium, millet; see millet.]miliary (ˈmɪljərɪ) adj1. (Botany) resembling or relating to millet seeds2. (Pathology) (of a disease or skin eruption) characterized by small lesions resembling millet seeds: miliary tuberculosis. [C17: from Latin miliārius, from milium millet]mil•i•ar•y (ˈmɪl iˌɛr i, ˈmɪl yə ri) adj. 1. resembling millet seeds. 2. marked or accompanied by vesicles resembilng millet seeds: miliary tuberculosis. [1675–85; < Latin miliārius of millet =mili(um) millet + -ārius -ary] TranslationsEncyclopediaSeeMiliariamiliaryenUK
miliary [mil´e-ar″e] 1. like millet seeds.2. characterized by the formation of lesions resembling millet seeds.mil·i·a·ry (mil'ē-ā-rē, mil'yă-rē), Do not confuse this word with military.1. Resembling a millet or other seed in size (about 2 mm) and shape (oval). 2. Marked by the presence of nodules of millet seed size on any surface. [see miliaria] Referring to a disseminated process comprised of innumerable millet-seed sized lesions, classically seen in miliary tuberulosis in the pre-antibiotic period—the ‘millet seeds’ correspond to granulomas—and also seen in disseminated histoplasmosis and CMV pneumonitismiliary adjective Referring to a disseminated process comprised of innumerable millet-seed sized lesions, classically seen in miliary TB in the pre-antibiotic period–the 'millet seeds' correspond to granulomas, also seen in disseminated histoplasmosis and CMV pneumonitis.mil·i·a·ry (mil'ē-ār'-ē) 1. Resembling a millet seed in size (about 2 mm). 2. Marked by the presence of nodules of millet seed size on any surface. See: miliariamiliaria (mil-e-ar'e-a) [L. miliaria, pert. to millet (seeds)] An inflamed papular or vesicular rash that results from obstruction of the flow of sweat from sweat glands, esp. by occlusive clothing in warm and humid conditions. miliary (mil'e-er?e), adjectiveTreatmentThe rash often improves after the patient returns to a cooler climate or the affected area is cooled and dried. MILIARIAapocrine miliariaFordyce-Fox disease.illustrationmiliaria crystallinaA noninflammatory eruption from sweat glands marked by whitish vesicles caused by the retention of sweat in the cornified layer of the skin, appearing after profuse sweating or in certain febrile diseases. Synonym: sudaminamiliaria profundaA form of miliaria seen almost exclusively in the tropics, frequently following attacks of miliaria rubra. The affected area is covered with pale, firm, painless papules 1 to 3 mm across. These papules do not cause itching. miliaria rubraPrickly heat.illustrationThesaurusSeemiliaria |