

单词 lotus position

lotus position

lotus position

n. A sitting position used in yoga and certain forms of Buddhist meditation, in which the legs are crossed, with each foot resting on the opposite thigh.
[Translation of Sanskrit padmāsanam : padmaḥ, lotus + āsanam, sitting posture (from its resemblance to a lotus).]

lotus position

n (Hinduism) a seated cross-legged position used in yoga, meditation, etc

lo′tus posi`tion

n. a standard seated posture for yoga with legs intertwined, left foot over right thigh and right foot over left thigh.

lotus position

- Sitting with the feet resting on the thighs.See also related terms for resting.
Noun1.lotus position - a sitting position with the legs crossedlotus position - a sitting position with the legs crossed; used in yogaposture, attitude, position - the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"yoga - Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion

lotus position

lotus position

a seated cross-legged position used in yoga, meditation, etc.

lotus position

  • noun

Words related to lotus position

noun a sitting position with the legs crossed

Related Words

  • posture
  • attitude
  • position
  • yoga




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