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Mules operation
Mules operation (mjuːlz) n (Veterinary Science) Austral the surgical removal of folds of skin in the breech of a sheep to reduce blowfly strike[named after J. H. W. Mules (died 1946), Australian grazier who first suggested it]Mules operation
Mules op·er·a·tion (myūlz), evisceration of the eyeball followed by the insertion within the sclera of a spheric prosthesis to support an artificial eye.Mules op·er·a·tion (myūlz op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Evisceration of the eyeball followed by the insertion within the sclera of a spheric prosthesis to support an artificial eye. Mules, Philip H., English ophthalmologist, 1843-1905. Mules eye implantMules graftMules operation - evisceration of the eyeball followed by the insertion within the sclera of a spherical prosthesis to support an artificial eye.Mules prosthesisMules scoop |