OSCIOpen SystemC Initiative
OSCIOnline Services Computer Interface
OSCIOpen System C Initiative
OSCIOscient Pharmaceuticals Corp. (stock symbol)
OSCIOne Stroke Certified Instructor
OSCIOberon System and Compiler Implementations
OSCIOhio Science Institute
OSCIOregon State Correctional Institution
OSCIOctal Serial Communication Interface
OSCIOshkosh Correctional Institution (Wisconsin)
OSCIOffice for Social Concern and Involvement
OSCIOnderwijs, Sociale zaken, Cultuur en Integratie
OSCIOffice of Security Operation-Iraq (Office of Security Operation-Iraq)
OSCIOral Sciences
OSCIOmaha Soaring Club, Inc.
OSCIOwner Supplied Contractor Installed (building construction)
OSCIOntario Stem Cell Initiative (Ontario, Canada)