lesser palatine nerves

less·er pal·a·tine nerves

[TA] usually two, these nerves emerge through the lesser palatine foramina and supply the mucosa and glands of the soft palate and uvula; they are branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion and contain postsynaptic parasympathetic and sensory fibers of the maxillary nerve. Synonym(s): nervi palatini minores [TA]

less·er pal·a·tine nerves

(les'ĕr pal'ă-tīn nĕrvz) [TA] Usually two, these emerge through the lesser palatine foramina and supply the mucosa and glands of the soft palate and uvula; they are branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion and contain postsynaptic parasympathetic and sensory fibers of the maxillary nerve.
Synonym(s): nervi palatini minores [TA] .

less·er pal·a·tine nerves

(les'ĕr pal'ă-tīn nĕrvz) [TA] Usually two, emerge through lesser palatine foramina and supply the mucosa and glands of the soft palate and uvula.