Louisiana Purchase State Park

Louisiana Purchase State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Arkansas
Location:From I-40 at Brinkley, 21 miles south on US 49 to AR 362, then 2 miles east. Located at the junction of Lee, Monroe, and Phillips counties.
Facilities:Boardwalk trail (é), exhibits.
Activities:Interpretive programs.
Special Features:A National Historic Landmark, the park preserves the point from which all surveys of property acquiredthrough the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 initiated. The granite monumentmarking the survey's initial point lies within a headwater swamp. Toreach the monument, visitors must walk along an elevated boardwalk thatfeatures wayside exhibits telling about the Louisiana Purchase and theswamp's flora and fauna.
Address:c/o Arkansas State Parks
1 Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201

Web: www.arkansasstateparks.com/parks/park.asp?id=37
Size: 36 acres.

See other parks in Arkansas.