释义 |
Mondini dysplasia
Mon·di·ni dys·pla·si·a (mōn-dē'nē), congenital anomaly of osseus and membranous otic labyrinth characterized by aplastic cochlea and deformity of the vestibule and semicircular canals with partial or complete loss of auditory and vestibular function; may be associated with dilated vestibular aqueduct and spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea resulting in meningitis. See also: Mondini hearing impairment. Mon·di·ni dys·pla·sia (mon-dē'nē' dis-plā'zē-ă) Congenital anomaly of osseus and membranous labyrinth characterized by aplastic cochlea, and deformity of the vestibule and semicircular canals with partial or complete loss of auditory and vestibular function; may be associated with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea resulting in meningitis. |