释义 |
Mondonesi reflex bul·bo·mim·ic re·flexin a case of coma from severe apoplexy, pressure on the eyeballs causes contraction of the facial muscles of expression on the side opposite to the lesion; if coma results from diabetes, uremia, or other toxic cause, the reflex is present on both sides. Synonym(s): facial reflex, Mondonesi reflexMondonesi reflex (mon-do-na'ze) [Filippo Mondonesi, Italian physician] Facial reflexMondonesi, Filippo, Italian physician. Mondonesi reflex - in the case of coma from severe apoplexy, pressure on the eyeballs causes contraction of the facial muscles of expression on the side opposite to the lesion; in coma due to diabetes, uremia, or other toxic cause, the reflex is present on both sides. Synonym(s): bulbomimic reflex |