Mondor disease

Mon·dor dis·ease

(mon'dōr), thrombophlebitis of the thoracoepigastric vein of the breast and chest wall.

Mon·dor dis·ease

(mōn'dōr di-zēz') Thrombophlebitis of the thoracoepigastric vein of the breast and chest wall.

Mondor disease

(mon′dor″) [Henri Mondor, Fr. physician, 1885–1962] Thrombosis, sclerosis, or phlebitis of a subcutaneous vein or veins in the breast or chest wall sometimes extending from the axilla to the epigastrium. It may occur after trauma or appear without apparent cause. Although a benign, self-limiting disease, its appearance may be confused with breast cancer.


Henri Jean Justin, French surgeon, 1885-1962. Mondor disease - Synonym(s): Mondor syndromeMondor phlebitis - Synonym(s): Mondor syndromeMondor syndrome - thoracoepigastric vein phlebitis. Synonym(s): Mondor disease; Mondor phlebitis; thrombophlebitis of the breast and chest wall