Altmann-Gersh method

Alt·mann-Gersh meth·od

(ahlt'mahn-gersh), a method of rapidly freezing a tissue and dehydrating it in a vacuum.


Richard, German histologist, 1852-1900. Altmann anilin-acid fuchsin stain - a mixture of picric acid, anilin, and acid fuchsin which stains mitochondria crimson against a yellow background.Altmann fixative - a bichromate-osmic acid fixative.Altmann-Gersh method - the method of rapidly freezing a tissue and dehydrating it in a vacuum.Altmann granule - a granule that has an affinity for fuchsin. Synonym(s): fuchsinophil granule; mitochondrionAltmann theory - a theory that protoplasm consists of granular particles that are clustered and enclosed in indifferent matter.


Isidore, U.S. histologist, 1907–. Altmann-Gersh method - see under Altmann