

See also books;literature;writing.
biblioticsthe art or science of analyzing handwriting, especially that of manuscripts, with the purpose of establishing their authorship or authenticity. — bibliotist, n. — bibliotic, adj.codicologythe study of early manuscripts. — codicologist, n. — codicologic, codicological, adj.diplomaticsthe critical study of original historical documents, as registers, treaties, and charters, especially from medieval periods.holographa manuscript or other document written completely in the hand of the person above whose name it appears. — holograph, holographic, adj.illumination1. the art of decorating manuscripts with illustrations, as in the capitals, tracery, etc.
2. the decoration itself.
palimpsesta parchment from which earlier writing has been partially or completely removed by scraping so that it may be used again. — palimpsestic, adj.papyrologythe study of papyrus manuscripts. — papyrologist, n. — papyrological, adj.scriptoriuma room in a monastery for the writing or copying of manuscripts.scrivenerythe art and practice of the scrivener or copyist. — scrivener, n.