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Nor·ma N0153300 (nôr′mə)n. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere within the Milky Way near Lupus and Ara. [Latin norma, carpenter's square; see gnō- in Indo-European roots.]Norma (ˈnɔːmə) n, Latin genitive Normae (ˈnɔːmiː) (Astronomy) a constellation in the S hemisphere crossed by the Milky Way and lying near Scorpius and AraThesaurusNoun | 1. | Norma - a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Lupus and Ara in the Milky Way | Translations
Norma (nor -mă) (Rule; Level) A small inconspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere near Centaurus, lying in the Milky Way, the brightest stars being of 4th magnitude. It contains the Mira stars R Nor and T Nor and several open clusters including the 5.6 magnitude NGC 6067. Abbrev.: Nor; genitive form: Normae; approx. position: RA 16h, dec –50°; area: 165 sq deg.Norma[′nȯr·mə] (astronomy) A southern constellation; right ascension 16 hours, declination 50°S. Also known as Rule. Normapriestess betrays her vows and sacrifices herself in atonement. [Ital. Opera: Bellini Norma in Benét, 720]See: Sacrificenorma
as·pect (as'pekt), 1. The manner of appearance; looks. 2. The side of an object that is directed in any designated direction. Synonym(s): norma (1) [L. aspectus, fr. a-spicio, pp. -spectus, to look at] pro·file (prō'fīl) 1. An outline or contour, especially one representing a side view of the human head. Synonym(s): norma. 2. A summary, brief account, or record. 3. biowarfare Set of suspected characteristics linked to a person or group allegedly responsible for a terrorist activity or other act involving the use of biologic weapons. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro, forward, + filum, thread, line (contour)]norma (nor'ma) [L., rule] A view or aspect, esp. with reference to the skull. anterior normaNorma frontalis.norma basilarisNorma ventralis.norma facialisNorma frontalis.norma frontalisThe outline of the skull viewed from the front. Synonym: anterior norma; norma facialisinferior normaNorma ventralis.norma lateralisA view of the skull as seen from the side; a profile view.norma occipitalisA view of the skull as seen from behind. norma sagittalisA view of the skull as seen in sagittal section. superior normaNorma verticalis.norma ventralisA view of the inferior surface of skull. Synonym: norma basilaris; inferior normanorma verticalisA view of the skull as seen from above. Synonym: superior normaNORMA
Acronym | Definition |
NORMA➣No Remote Memory Access | NORMA➣No Remote Memory Access (Mach kernel) | NORMA➣National Oceanic Resource Management Authority (est. 1979; Federated States of Micronesia) | NORMA➣Nature of the target, Obstacle clearance, Range to target, Multiple firing positions, Adequate area for proper dispersion between aircraft | NORMA➣Network Operations Requiring Minimal Access | ThesaurusSeeprofile |