money for jam

be money for jam

To be a very quick and easy way to earn money. Primarily heard in UK. A: "I'm getting paid to stay in my neighbours' mansion while they're on holiday." B: "Wow, that'll be money for jam!" I love working on bicycles, so this job will be money for jam.See also: jam, money

money for jam

A very quick and easy way to earn money. Primarily heard in UK. A: "I'm getting paid to stay in my neighbours' mansion while they're on holiday." B: "Wow, that'll be money for jam!" Twenty quid for watching a movie while the kids are asleep? Sounds like money for jam to me!See also: jam, money

money for jam (or old rope)

1 money earned for little or no effort. 2 an easy task. British informal These expressions, which date back to the early 20th century, may have originated as military slang. In 1919 , the Athenaeum stated that money for jam arose as the result of the ‘great use of jam in the Army’.See also: jam, money