Acronym | Definition |
NMSA➣National Middle School Association |
NMSA➣Naturopathic Medical Student Association (various organizations) |
NMSA➣News Music Search Archive (SouthernMedia) |
NMSA➣New Mexico Statutes Annotated |
NMSA➣National Meteorological Services Agency |
NMSA➣New Mexico School for the Arts (Santa Fe, NM) |
NMSA➣National Manufacturing Skills Academy (UK) |
NMSA➣Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate |
NMSA➣National Master Supply Arrangement |
NMSA➣New Mexico Substate Area |
NMSA➣Nonnuclear Munitions Storage Area |
NMSA➣National Movers and Storage Association |
NMSA➣Non-Metropolitan Statistical Area |
NMSA➣Norwegian Medical Students' Association (Norwegian Medical Association) |
NMSA➣North Atlantic Treaty Organization Maintenance and Supply Agency |
NMSA➣Nonmortgage Servicing Asset |