Letopis Revoliutsii

Letopis’ Revoliutsii


(Litopys revoliutsii; Chronicle of the Revolution), the journal of the Commission on Party History of the Central Committee of the CP (Bolshevik) of the Ukraine (CC CP[B] Ukr), published in Kharkov from 1922 through 1933. It was issued in Russian from 1922 to 1927, in Russian and Ukrainian in 1928–29, and in Ukrainian from 1930 to 1933. It was the organ of the Commission on Party History of the CC CP(B) Ukr from 1922 to 1929 and the organ of the Institute of Party History and the October Revolution in the Ukraine between 1930 and 1933. Many Soviet Ukrainian historians contributed to the journal. It published documentary material, research articles, reminiscences about the origins and activities of the RSDLP and the CP(B) Ukr, and memoirs about the history of the revolutionary movement, the February and October Revolutions of 1917, and the Civil War of 1918–1920. The journal also printed reminiscences of Lenin, biographical material about the heroes of the revolution, bibliographies, and news items about the work of the commissions on party history of the Ukraine.