meeting of (the) minds

meeting of (the) minds

A situation in which two or more people reach an understanding or agreement. There was a meeting of the minds between finance industry leaders and law enforcement in order to help curb financial fraud. After debating for hours, we finally came to a meeting of minds and decided on a name for our band.See also: meeting, mind, of

meeting of the minds

the establishment of agreement; complete agreement. After a lot of discussion we finally reached a meeting of the minds. We struggled to bring about a meeting of the minds on the issues.See also: meeting, mind, of

meeting of the minds

Agreement, concord, as in The teachers and the headmaster had a meeting of the minds regarding smoking in school. This expression uses meet in the sense of "arrive at mutual agreement," as clergyman Edward B. Pusey did in a letter of 1851: "Devout minds, of every school ... meet at least in this." See also: meeting, mind, of

a meeting of minds

an understanding or agreement between people.See also: meeting, mind, of

a meeting of ˈminds

people thinking in the same way about something; a special understanding between people: I think there will be a meeting of minds on this subject.The discussions were a failure. There was no meeting of minds between the two parties.See also: meeting, mind, of

meeting of the minds

Agreement; concord.See also: meeting, mind, of