October 21, 2017

October 21, 2017


Bluegrass Fan Fest (Third weekend in October)
Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival (Third full weekend in October)
Bridge Day (Third Saturday in October)
Dahlonega Gold Rush Days (October)
Festa da Luz (Two weeks beginning the second Sunday in October)
Festival of the Black Christ
Horse Show and Rodeo American Royal Livestock (October-November)
Kawagoe Matsuri (Every two years on October 14-15)
Moore Days (Third weekend in October)
Se–or de los Milagros (October 18-28)
St. Mary's County Oyster Festival (Third weekend in October)
Sweetest Day (Third Saturday in October)
Texas Rose Festival (Third week in October)
Trafalgar Day

Legal Holidays by Countries

Armed Forces DayHonduras
President Ndadaye DayBurundi