ascites chylosus

chy·lous as·ci·tes

, ascites chylosus [MIM*208300] presence in the peritoneal cavity of a milky fluid containing suspended triglycerides, ordinarily caused by an obstruction or injury of the thoracic duct or cisterna chyli. Synonym(s): ascites adiposus, chyliform ascites, chyloperitoneum, fatty ascites, milky ascites

chy·lous as·ci·tes

, ascites chylosus (kī'lŭs ă-sī'tēz, ă-sī'tēz kī-lō'sŭs) Presence in the peritoneal cavity of a milky fluid containing suspended fat, ordinarily caused by an obstruction or injury of the thoracic duct or cisterna.
Synonym(s): chyloperitoneum.

ascites chylosus

Chyle in the ascitic fluid, usually due to rupture of the thoracic duct.See also: ascites