释义 |
nuclei of lateral lemniscus nu·cle·i of lat·er·al lem·nis·cus [TA] a substantial cell mass embedded in the lateral lemniscus, immediately below the latter's entry into the inferior colliculus; may be divided into a posterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus [TA] (dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus [TAalt], nucleus posterior lemnisci lateralis [TA]), an intermediate nucleus of lateral lemniscus [TA] (nucleus intermedius lemnisci lateralis [TA]), and an anterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus [TA] (nucleus anterior lemnisci lateralis [TA], ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus [TAalt]); the nucleus represents a synaptic way station for part of the fibers of the lateral lemniscus. Synonym(s): nuclei lemnisci lateralis [TA] |