Kocher forceps


E. Theodor, Swiss surgeon and Nobel laureate, 1841-1917. Kocher elevatorKocher approachKocher artery forcepsKocher biliary tract incisionKocher bladder retractorKocher clamp - a heavy, straight hemostat.Kocher-Debré-Semelaigne syndrome - autosomal recessive inherited athyrotic cretinism associated with muscular pseudohypertrophy. Synonym(s): Debré-Semelaigne syndromeKocher dissectorKocher forcepsKocher goiter dissectorKocher hemostatKocher incision - an incision parallel with right costal margin.Kocher intestinal forcepsKocher kidney-elevating forcepsKocher maneuverKocher periosteal dissectorKocher retractorKocher sign - in Graves disease, on upward gaze the globe lags behind the movement of the upper eyelid.Kocher spoonKocher ureterosigmoidostomy procedure