Kocina Krajina

Kočina Krajina


(also Koča’s War), an anti-Turkish liberation movement of the Serbs that took place in 1788, from February to September. One of its organizers was Koča Andjelković, hence the name of the rising. In the Austro-Turkish War of 1788–90, the Serbs fought on the side of Austria, whose aid they counted on in ridding themselves of the Ottoman yoke. With Austria’s declaration of war on Turkey, a partisan war unfolded against the Turks in the Belgrade Pashalic. In February 1788 the detachment commanded by Andjelković (about 3,000 men) occupied Požarevac, Palanka, Batočina, Bagrdan, and Kragujevac. However, the rebels were unable to withstand the Turks’ superior forces and were defeated. The war ended unsuccessfully for Austria, and Serbia remained under Turkish rule.


Pantelić, D. Kochina Krajina. Belgrade, 1930.