Maplewood State Park

Maplewood State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Minnesota
Location:7 miles east of Pelican Rapids on State Highway 108.
Facilities:71 drive-in campsites (32 with electrical hookups), showers (é),flush toilets (é), 3 backpack campsites, 50 horsemen's campsites,camper cabin (seasonal), group camp, picnic area (é), hiking trails(25 miles), self-guided trail (2.2 miles), horse trails (20 miles), skitrails (13 miles), snowmobile trails (20 miles), swimming beach,fishing pier, boat launch, boat and canoe rentals, interpretiveexhibits, gift shop.
Activities:Camping, swimming, lake fishing, boating, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Eight major lakes provide excellent opportunities for fishing and other water recreation. Themaple forest turns brilliant shades of orange, gold, and red in thefall.
Address:39721 Park Entrance Rd
Pelican Rapids, MN 56572

Size: 9,264 acres.

See other parks in Minnesota.