Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Yuma, AZ 85364
Web: southwest.fws.gov/refuges/arizona/kofa.html
Established: 1939.
Location:Northeast of Yuma, Arizona, in the Sonoran Desert.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, hiking trails, primitive campgrounds.
Activities:Camping, hiking, hunting, rockhounding (in limited area).
Special Features:Two mountain ranges dominate the landscape--the Kofa Mountains and the Castle Dome Mountains. Although not especially high, both ranges are extremely rugged and rise sharply from the surrounding desert plains, providing ideal bighorn sheep country.
Habitats: 665,400 acres of desert, with two small but steep and rugged mountain ranges.
Access: Open 24 hours.
Wild life: Desert bighorn sheep, white-winged dove, desert tortoise, and desert kit fox.
See other parks in Arizona.