Kohala Historical Sites State Monument

Kohala Historical Sites State Monument

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Hawaii
Location:On a coastal dirt road off Upolu Airport road from Akoni Pule Highway (Highway 270), 1.6 miles from Upolu Airport.
Facilities:Historic sites.
Special Features:Two sites are located here: the Mookini Heiau, a National HistoricLandmark that is one of the most famous sacrificial temples on theisland; and the Kamehameha I Birthsite, a memorial to Hawaii's greatestking,who united all the island chiefdoms into a kingdom.
Address:c/o Hawaii District Office
PO Box 936
Hilo, HI 96721

Web: www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dsp/hawaii.html
Size: 6.7 acres.

See other parks in Hawaii.