Kohlmey, Günther

Kohlmey, Günther


Born July 27, 1913, in Berlin. Economist of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), member of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (1965).

In 1949, Kohlmey became a professor at the German Academy of State and Law. From 1953 to 1958 he was director of the Institute of Economics of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin and head of the institute’s division of the political economy of socialism. In his scholarly activity he has concentrated on the theoretical foundations of political economy and on foreign trade and the world economy. In 1955 he won the National Prize of the GDR.


Der demokratische Weltmarkt. Berlin, 1955.
Das Geldsystem der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Berlin, 1956.
Entwicklungsprobleme des sozialistischen Weltwirtschaftssystems. Berlin, 1958.