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megacaryocyte TranslationsEncyclopediaSeemegakaryocytemegacaryocyte
megakaryocyte [meg″ah-kar´e-o-sīt″] the giant cell of bone marrow; it is a large cell with a greatly lobulated nucleus, and is generally supposed to give rise to blood platelets.meg·a·kar·y·o·cyte (meg'ă-kar'ē-ō-sīt), A large cell (as much as 100 mcm in diameter) with a polyploid nucleus that is usually multilobed; megakaryocytes are normally present in bone marrow, not in the circulating blood, and give rise to blood platelets. Synonym(s): megacaryocyte, megalokaryocyte, thromboblast [mega- + G. karyon, nut (nucleus), + kytos, hollow vessel (cell)] |