Kokila Vrata
Kokila Vrata
According to Hindu mythology, Sati's father, Daksha, agreed to her marriage to Shiva only reluctantly. Daksha hosted a religious feast one day and excluded the couple. Sati appeared at the feast anyway, and soon involved her father in a quarrel over his refusal to accept Shiva as his son-in-law. In anger and vengeance Sati leaped into the sacrificial fire where she burned to death. Since this was considered a sin, she returned to life as a cuckoo in order to make reparation.
Hindus observe Kokila Vrata by eating only one meal per day during the month. They fast entirely on the last day of the month. People also may worship a live cuckoo or an image of one.
HinduRelCustManners-1960, p. 145
HinduRelYr-1921, p. 117