Pharmacologic class: Human B-type natriuretic peptide
Therapeutic class: Vasodilator
Pregnancy risk category C
Binds to receptors on vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells, causing smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation. As a result, systemic and pulmonary pressures decrease and diuresis occurs.
Injection: 1.5 mg in single-use vials
Indications and dosages
➣ Acutely decompensated heart failure in patients who have dyspnea at rest or with minimal activity
Adults: 2 mcg/kg I.V. bolus, followed by continuous I.V. infusion of 0.01 mcg/kg/minute
• Hypersensitivity to drug or its components
• Systolic pressure below 90 mm Hg
• Primary therapy for cardiogenic shock
Use cautiously in:
• restrictive or obstructive cardiomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis, pericardial tamponade, renal dysfunction, hypotension
• pregnant or breastfeeding patients.
Know that nesiritide is a high-alert drug.
• For I.V. use, prime tubing before connecting to patient. Withdraw bolus and infuse over 60 seconds into I.V. port of tubing. Follow immediately with constant infusion delivering 0.01 mcg/kg/minute.
• Know that drug should be mixed and infused in dextrose 5% in water, normal saline solution, or dextrose in half-normal saline solution.
Don't mix with other drug solutions. Always administer through separate line.
• Know that nesiritide therapy beyond 48 hours has not been studied.

Adverse reactions
CNS: dizziness, headache, insomnia, anxiety
CV: hypotension, angina pectoris, bradycardia, ventricular extrasystole, ventricular tachycardia
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Musculoskeletal: leg cramps, back pain
Respiratory: cough, hemoptysis, apnea
Other: injection site reactions
Drug-drug. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, nitrates: increased hypotension
Bumetanide, enalaprilat, ethacrynate sodium, furosemide, heparin, hydralazine, insulin: physical and chemical incompatibility with nesiritide
Drug-diagnostic tests. Hematocrit, hemoglobin: decreased values
Patient monitoring
• Monitor vital signs and pulmonary artery wedge pressure continuously during and for several hours after infusion.
• Assess cardiovascular status closely.
Patient teaching
• Tell patient he'll be monitored closely during and for several hours after infusion.
• Inform patient that drug may cause serious adverse effects. Reassure him that he'll receive appropriate interventions to relieve symptoms.
• Instruct patient to report chest pain, dizziness, palpitations, and other uncomfortable symptoms.
• As appropriate, review all other significant and life-threatening adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the drugs and tests mentioned above.
(ne-sir-i-tide) nesiritide,Natrecor
(trade name)Classification
Therapeutic: none assignedPharmacologic: vasodilators
Therapeutic effects
Time/action profile (effects on cardiovascular parameters)
IV | 15 min | 1 hr | 60 min† |
Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
Central nervous system
- anxiety
- confusion
- dizziness
- headache
- hypotension (dose related)
- insomnia
- drowsiness
Ear, Eye, Nose, Throat
- amblyopia
- apnea (life-threatening)
- cough
- hemoptysis
- hypotension (most frequent)
- arrhythmias
- bradycardia
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomiting
- ↑ serum creatinine
- renal failure
- itching
- rash
- sweating
- anemia
- injection site reactions
- back pain
- leg cramps
- paresthesia
- tremor
- allergic reactions (life-threatening)
- fever
Drug-Drug interaction
None reported.Route/Dosage
Nursing implications
Nursing assessment
- Monitor BP, pulse, ECG, respiratory rate, cardiac index, PCWP, and central venous pressure frequently during administration. May cause hypotension, especially in patients with a BP <100 mm Hg. Reduce dose or discontinue nesiritide if patient develops hypotension. Hypotension may cause renal compromise. Use IV fluids and changes in body position to support BP if symptomatic hypotension occurs. Nesiritide may be restarted at a dose reduced by 30% with no bolus administration once patient is stabilized. Hypotension may be prolonged for hours, requiring a period of monitoring prior to restarting administration.
- Monitor intake and output and weigh daily. Assess for decrease in signs of HF (dyspnea, rales/crackles, peripheral edema, weight gain).
- Obtain history for reactions to recombinant peptides; may increase risk of allergic reaction. Observe patient for signs and symptoms of allergic reactions (rash, pruritus, laryngeal edema, wheezing). Discontinue the drug and notify health care professional immediately if these occur. Keep epinephrine, an antihistamine, IV fluids, pressure amines, and resuscitation equipment close by in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.
- Lab Test Considerations: Monitor BUN and serum creatinine. May cause ↑ in serum creatinine; ↑ serum creatinine may be dose-related.
Potential Nursing Diagnoses
Decreased cardiac output (Indications)Activity intolerance (Indications)
Excess fluid volume (Indications)
- high alert: Intravenous vasoactive medications have an increased potential for causing harm. Have second practitioner independently check original order, dose calculations, and infusion pump settings. Administer only in settings where BP can be closely monitored.
- Prime the IV tubing with an infusion of 25 mL prior to connecting to the patient’s vascular access port and prior to administering bolus or infusion. Flush catheter between administration of nesiritide and other medications. Do not administer through a central heparin-coated catheter as nesiritide binds to heparin. Concomitant administration of a heparin infusion through a separate catheter is acceptable.
Intravenous Administration
- pH: 4.0–6.0.
- Diluent: Reconstitute 1.5-mg vial of nesiritide by adding 5 mL of diluent removed from a pre-filled 250-mL plastic IV bag containing D5W, 0.9% NaCl, D5/0.45% NaCl, or D5/0.2% NaCl. Do not shake vial; rock gently so all surfaces including stopper are in contact with diluent to ensure complete reconstitution. Withdraw entire content of reconstituted vial and add back to 250-mL plastic IV bag. Invert IV bag several times to ensure complete mixing of solution. Infusion stable for 24 hr. After preparation of infusion bag, withdraw bolus volume from infusion bag. To calculate amount: bolus volume (mL) = 0.33 × patient weight (kg).Concentration: 6 mcg/mL.
- Rate: Administer bolus over 60 seconds through a port in the IV tubing.
- Intermittent Infusion: Diluent: See Diluent section under Direct IV section above for preparation instructions for infusion bag. Immediately follow bolus with infusion.Concentration: 6 mcg/mL.
- Rate: Based on patient's weight (see Route/Dosage section).
- Y-Site Compatibility: acyclovir, alemtuzumab, alfentanil, allopurinol, amifostine, aminophylline, amiodarone, amphotericin B colloidal, amphotericin C lipid complex, amphotericin B liposome, anidulafungin, argatroban, atracurium, azithromycin, aztreonam, bivalirudin, bleomycin, buprenorphine, busulfan, butorphanol, calcium acetate, calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, carboplatin, carmustine, cefazolin, cefotaxime, cefotetan, cefoxitin, ceftazidime, ceftriaoxone, cefuroxime, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, cisatracurium, cisplatin, clindamycin, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, cytarabine, dacarbazine, dactinomycin, daunorubicin hydrochloride, dexmedetomidine, dexrazoxane, digoxin, diltiazem, diphenhydramine, docetaxel, dolasetron, doxacurium, doxorubicin, doxorubicin liposomal, doxycycline, droperidol, ephedrine, epirubicin, ertapenem, erythromycin, esmolol, etoposide, etoposide phosphate, famotidine, fentanyl, filgrastim, fluconazole, fludarabine, fluorouracil, foscarnet, fosphenytoin, ganciclovir, gemcitabine, glycopyrrolate, granisetron, haloperidol, hydrocortisone, hydromorphone, idarubicin, ifosfamide, imipenem/cilastatin, irinotecan, ketorolac, leucovorin calcium, levofloxacin, linezolid, lorazepam, magnesium sulfate, mannitol, mechlorethamine, melphalan, meropenem, mesna, metaraminol, methohexital, methotrexate, methylprednisolone, metoclopramide, metronidazole, midazolam, milrinone, mitomycin, mitoxantrone, moxifloxacin, mycophenolate, nalbuphine, naloxone, nicardipine, nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, octreotide, ondansetron, oxaliplatin, oxytocin, paclitaxel, palonosetron, pamidronate, pancuronium, pemetrexed, pentamidine, pentobarbital, pheobarbital, phentolamine, potassium acetate, potassium chloride, potassium phosphates, prochlorperazine, propranolol, quinupristin/dalfopristin, ranitidine, remifentanil, rocuronium, sodium acetate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphates, streptozocin, succinylcholine, sufentanil, tacrolimus, teniposide, theophylline, thiotepa, tigecycline, tirofiban, tolazoline, topotecan, torsemide, vancomycin, vasopressin, vecuronium, verapamil, vinblastine, vincristine, vinorelbine, zidovudine, zolendronic acid
- Y-Site Incompatibility: ampicillin, ampicillin/sulbactam, cefepime, cefoperazone, dantrolene, daptomycin, diazepam, furosemide, insulin, micafungin, nafcillin, pantoprazole, phenytoin, piperacillin/tazobactam, sargramostim, thiopental
Patient/Family Teaching
- Explain purpose of nesiritide to patient and family.
- Advise patient to notify health care professional immediately if signs and symptoms of allergic reaction occurs.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
- Improvement in dyspnea and reduction in mean PCWP in patients with decompensated HF.
A recombinant brain (B-type) natriuretic peptide given intraveinously to patients with acutely decompensated heart failure and dyspnoea at rest. Natrecor relaxes blood vessels, increases natriuresis and diuresis, and decreases neurohormones.Adverse effects
Hypotension, ventricular tachycardia, headache, nausea, back pain, decreased renal function. It has been linked to increased mortality or renal damage; it is to be used only on severely ill patients.