Marceli Handelsman

Handelsman, Marceli


Born July 8, 1882, in Warsaw; died Mar. 20, 1945, in Dora-Nordhausen, Germany. Polish historian.

Handelsman graduated from the University of Warsaw in 1904. From 1919 to 1939 he was a professor at the university and during the same period, beginning in 1918, he was editor of the journal Przegląd historyczny. Handelsman did fundamental work in Polish historiography. He founded.and from 1921 to 1939 edited the series Rozprawy historyczne. He was the author of the textbook on historical methodology History (1921), which was written from an idealist viewpoint, and also wrote works on international relations and public life in 19th-century Poland. He was active in the bourgeois democratic party Stronnictwo Demokra-tyczne (founded 1937), which opposed the sanacja regime. Handelsman was arrested by the Gestapo in 1944 and died in a concentration camp.


Księga pamiątkowa k uczeniu dwudziestopięciolecia dziaialnosści nau-kowej M. Handelsmana. Warsaw, 1929. [Contains bibliography.]