释义 |
leukotaxis leukotaxis [loo″ko-tak´sis] cytotaxis of leukocytes; the tendency of leukocytes to collect in regions of injury and inflammation. adj., adj leukotac´tic.leu·ko·cy·to·tax·i·a , positive leukocytotaxianegative leukocytotaxia (lū-kō-sī'tō-tak'sē-ă), 1. The active ameboid movement of leukocytes, especially the neutrophilic granulocytes, either toward (positive leukocytotaxia) or away from (negative leukocytotaxia) certain microorganisms as well as various substances frequently formed in inflamed tissue. 2. The property of attracting or repelling leukocytes. Synonym(s): leukocytaxia, leukocytaxis, leukotaxia, leukotaxis [leukocyte + G. taxis, arrangement] leu·ko·cy·to·tax·i·a (lū-kō-sī'tō-tak'sē-ă) 1. The active ameboid movement of leukocytes, especially the neutrophilic granulocytes, either toward (positive leukocytotaxia) or away from (negative leukocytotaxia) some microorganisms as well as various substances formed in inflamed tissue. 2. The property of attracting or repelling leukocytes. Synonym(s): leukotaxia, leukotaxis. [leukocyte + G. taxis, arrangement] |