BAVBavarian (linguistics)
BAVBase Av
BAVBundesamt für Verkehr (German: Federal Office of Transport; Switzerland)
BAVBicuspid Aortic Valve
BAVBiblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Italian: Vatican Library)
BAVBrand Asset Valuator
BAVBloc Auriculo-Ventriculaire (French: Atrioventricular Block; cardiology)
BAVBalloon Aortic Valvuloplasty (medical procedure)
BAVBusiness Aviation
BAVBovine Adenovirus
BAVBundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne (German Workgroup for Variable Stars)
BAVBilim Arastirma Vakfi
BAVBourse aux Vêtements (French: Clothing Exchange)
BAVBoth as View (data integration)
BAVBanna Virus
BAVBay Area Vegetarians
BAVBattle Athletes Victory (anime)
BAVBorn-Again Virgin
BAVBasic Audio Video (product feature)
BAVBritish Airways Virtual
BAVBrouwerij Artikelen Verzamelaars (Dutch)
BAVBuilding Academic Vocabulary
BAVBaarnse Atletiek Vereniging (Dutch)
BAVBeds Available
BAVBateau A Vapeur (French steamship postmark)
BAVBoath Audio Visual (Brighton, UK)
BAVBaotou, PR China (airport code)
BAVBroadcast Area Variable
BAVBiarritz avec Vous (French: Biarritz with You; residential association; Biarritz, French)