nucleus of Darkschewitsch

nu·cle·us of Dark·sche·witsch

(dahrk-shā'vich), an ovoid cell group in the anterior central gray substance rostral to the oculomotor nucleus, receiving fibers from the vestibular nuclei by way of the medial longitudinal fasciculus; projections are not known, although some cross in the posterior commissure.

nucleus of Darkschewitsch

A midbrain nucleus in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter, dorsal to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and rostral to the oculomotor nucleus. The nucleus of Darkschewitsch is one of the accessory oculomotor (preoculomotor) nuclei, which are composed of interneurons concerned with eye movements and reflex gaze coordination and which receive axons from the MLF. See also: nucleus

nucleus of Darkschewitsch

(dark-she′vich) [Liverij Osipovich Darkschewitsch, Russian neurologist, 1858–1925] A midbrain nucleus in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter, dorsal to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and rostral to the oculomotor nucleus. The nucleus of Darkschewitsch is one of the accessory oculomotor (preoculomotor) nuclei, which are composed of interneurons concerned with eye movements and reflex gaze coordination and which receive axons from the medial longitudinal fasciculus.


(Darkshevich), Liverij Osipovich, Russian neurologist, 1858-1925. nucleus of Darkschewitsch - an ovoid cell group in the ventral central gray substance rostral to the oculomotor nucleus.