Mille Miglia
Mille Miglia
The event was reorganized in 1977 with different rules. Although it still features vintage racing cars from the 1920s through the 1950s and the same roads, drivers are given three days—rather than 10 hours—to cover the thousand miles. Driving in ordinary traffic, the competitors have to average a set number of miles per hour on 34 timed sections of the course, 19 of which are driven over particularly challenging and scenic stretches of road.
The route begins in Brescia, goes east to Verona, and then southeast to Ferrera, where the drivers spend the night. Early the next morning they leave for Ravenna, follow the coast to Rimini, and then head into the mountains, where they must cover some of the most serpentine and beautiful roads in the world. The drivers spend the second night in Rome and on the third day make a 12-hour dash back to Brescia via Viterbo, Siena, Florence, and Bologna.
MAC Events S.r.l
Corso Torino
Genova, 16199 Italy
39-10-5531-767; fax: 39-10-8630-021