


a megye (county) in northern Hungary. Area, 2,254 sq km; population, 302,000 (1970). The administrative center is the city of Tatabánya. Komárom is one of the most industrially developed regions of the nation, and it is economically closely tied to Budapest. It accounts for about one-fifth of the total Hungarian production of electric power and aluminum (in 1968) and more than one-fourth of the coal extraction, one-half of the alumina production, and more than one-third of the cement. There is also chemical industry (production of calcium carbide and artificial and synthetic fibers), machine building, and petroleum refining. The industrial centers are Tatabánya-Oro-szlány and Tokod (coal mining and power engineering), Almásfüzitö (aluminum industry), Szöny (petroleum refining), and Esztergom (machine tool building). Wheat, corn, and sugar beets are planted in the Kisalföld; on poorer soils in the mountains there are rye, oats, and potatoes. There is horticulture and viticulture. Cattle, swine, and horses are raised (there are stud farms in Kisbér and Babolna).