Kondratenko, Roman

Kondratenko, Roman Isidorovich


Born Sept. 30 (Oct. 12), 1857, in Tbilisi; died Dec. 2 (15), 1904, in Port Arthur. Hero of the defense of Port Arthur; lieutenant general (1904). Son of an officer.

Kondratenko graduated from the Nicholas Engineering School in 1877, from the Engineering Academy in 1822, and from the Academy of the General Staff in 1886. In 1903 he was appointed commander of the 7th East Siberian Rifle Brigade, which was deployed into a division in 1904. After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05, he became simultaneously chief of the ground front defense of the Port Arthur for-tress. Kondratenko’s vast knowledge as a commander and a military engineer enabled him to reestablish the defense system in a short time and to direct successfully the repulsion of four assaults. New types of armament were developed under his supervision, such as hand grenades, mortars, and electrified wire barriers. He died during an artillery bombardment of Fort No. 2. Kondratenko is buried in St. Petersburg in the Alexander Nevsky Laura.


R. I. Kondratenko: Ego zhizn’ i boevaia deiatel’nost’ Compiled by V. Mitkevich and D. Dubenskii. [St. Petersburg, 1908.]