Meiji Setsu

Meiji Setsu

November 3This day was formerly observed as the birthday of the Emperor Meiji (1852-1912), who ruled Japan from 1868 until his death. Meiji Tenno abolished feudalism, raised the people's standard of living, and secured Japan's reputation as a great world power. It was during his reign that Japan made rapid progress toward becoming a modern nation by using Western institutions, technology, and learning as its model. It was during this period that a constitution was adopted, a parliament was convened, civil and criminal laws were codified, and an educational system was established. Railways were built, and electric lights and telephones were put into use.
Today, November 3 is still a national holiday, but it is known as Bunka-no-Hi, or Culture Day.
Japan National Tourist Organization
1 Rockefeller Pl., Ste. 1250
New York, NY 10020
212-757-5640; fax: 212-307-6754
BkFest-1937, p. 200
JapanFest-1965, pp. 204, 217