October Diploma of 1860

October Diploma of 1860


a federalist constitution proclaimed in the Hapsburg empire by Emperor Francis Joseph I on October 20 in an atmosphere of anti-Hapbsurg feeling in the wake of Austria’s defeat in the Austro-Italo-French war of 1859 (the Austro-Sardinian war). The diploma signified acknowledgment of the collapse of the absolutist regime established after the defeat of the Revolution of 1848–49.

Affirming the unity and indivisibility of the empire, the October Diploma embodied several federalist principles. It provided for the restoration of provincial legislative assemblies (landtage) for the crown lands and announced the convocation of an imperial assembly in which all of the crown lands, the Kingdom of Hungary, and other territories were to be represented. The diploma granted Hungary additional rights, including restoration of the system of comitat assemblies, the convocation of the Hungarian Diet, and use of Hungarian as an official language.

The October Diploma failed to satisfy not only the working people but also the ruling classes and was replaced by the February Patent of 1861.