Lev Eidlin

Eidlin, Lev Zalmanovich


Born Dec. 23, 1909 (Jan. 5, 1910), in Chernigov. Soviet scholar, translator, and professor (since 1969) of Chinese literature. Member of the CPSU since 1932.

Eidlin graduated from the N. N. Narimanov Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies in 1937; his doctoral dissertation was entitled T’ao Yüan-ming and His Poetry (1968; book of the same title, 1967). He is the author of On Chinese Literature of Our Times (1955), Chinese Literature (1962; with V. F. Sorokin), and articles on the history of Chinese literature and theater and on the theory of translating poetry. He has translated the works of Po Chü-I, T’ao Yüan-ming, and other poets.


“Parallelizm v poezii Bo Tsziui-i.” Trudy Moskovskogo instituía vostokovedeniia, 1946, no. 3.
“Idei i fakty (Neskol’ko voprosov po povodu idei kitaiskogo Vozrozhdeniia).” Inostrannaia literatura, 1970, no. 8.
K istorii razvitiia kitaiskoi literatury v III—XIII vekakh.” Izuchenie kitaiskoi literatury v SSSR. Moscow, 1973.
Kitaiskaia klassicheskaiapoeziia. Moscow, 1975.


Alekseev, V. M. “Bo Tsziui-i, Chetverostishiia.” Sovetskaia kniga, 1950, no. 5. [Review.]
Petrov, V. V. “L. Eidlin: Tao Iuan’-min i ego stikhotvoreniia.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1968, no. 3.
Fedorenko, N. T. “Prizvanie kitaista.” Teoreticheskie problemy izucheniia literatur Dal’nego Vostoka. Moscow, 1970.