Konoye, Fumimaro

Konoye, Fumimaro

(fo͞o'mēmärō` kōnōyā`), 1891–1945, Japanese statesman. He was a scion of the ancient Fujiwara noble family. In June, 1937, he accepted the premiership. A former liberal, he now favored increased armament and centralized government control. The National Mobilization Law was passed in Mar., 1938, and in November, Konoye proclaimed Japan's aim of a "new order in East Asia." He resigned in Jan., 1939, but was recalled to the premiership in July, 1940. He concluded an alliance with the Axis and founded (Oct., 1940) the Imperial Rule Assistance Association to replace the political parties. Having failed to reach an agreement with the United States, he resigned in Oct., 1941, to be followed by Hideki TojoTojo, Hideki
, 1884–1948, Japanese general and statesman. He became prime minister after he forced Konoye's resignation in Oct., 1941. His accession marked the final triumph of the military faction which advocated war with the United States and Great Britain.
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. He was listed for trial as a war criminal but committed suicide in Dec., 1945.