Konrad Fiedler

Fiedler, Konrad


Born Sept. 23, 1841, in Oederan, Saxony; died June 3, 1895, in Munich. German philosopher of aesthetics; held views similar to Neo-Kantianism.

Fiedler was the founder of the theory of vision which served as the philosophical basis of H. Wölfflin’s science of art. He was a friend and source of inspiration to H. von Marées and A. Hildebrand. Fiedler regarded artistic creation as a process of developing what may be called absolute vision, which overcomes the chaos of empirical impressions and leads to cognition of the pure form of the concrete physical world.


Faensen, H. Die bildnerische Form: Die Kunstauffassungen Konrad Fiedlers, Adolf von Hildebrands and Hans von Marées. Berlin, 1965.