Konstantin Aleksandrovich Inostrantsev
Inostrantsev, Konstantin Aleksandrovich
Born Apr. 5, 1876, in St. Petersburg; died December 1941, in Leningrad. Russian historian, Orientalist.
In 1899, Inostrantsev graduated from the department of Oriental languages at the University of St. Petersburg. In 1908 he defended his dissertation for a doctoral degree in Oriental history. He taught at the University of St. Petersburg (later, Leningrad State University) from 1899 to the mid-1930’s. He was a specialist in the history of Sassanid Iran and the history of the material culture of Oriental countries. He investigated the problem of the origin of the Huns, separate stages in the ancient history of the peoples of Middle Asia, and questions concerning Arab-Iranian relationships.
Torzhestvennyi vyezd fatymidskikh khalifov. St. Petersburg, 1905.Sasanidskie etiudy. St. Petersburg, 1909.
O dremeiranskikh pogrebal’nykh obychaiakh i postroikakh. St. Petersburg, 1909.
Obychai prikaspiiskogo naseleniia Persii v X v. St. Petersburg, 1909.
O domusul’manskoi kuVture Khivinskogo oazisa. St. Petersburg, 1911.
Pereselenie parsov v Indiiu i musul’manskii mir v pol. VIII v. Petrograd, 1915.
K istorii domusul’manskoi kul’tury Srednei Azii. Petrograd, 1917.