Konstantin Alekseevich Pazhitnov

Pazhitnov, Konstantin Alekseevich


Born Mar. 1 (13), 1879, in the village of Zhitovo, now in Rybnoe Raion, Riazan’ Oblast; died Aug. 2, 1964, in Moscow. Soviet economist; specialist in economic history. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946).

Pazhitnov graduated from the law faculty of Moscow University in 1907, a year after the publication of his study The Condition of the Working Class in Russia (vols. 1–3), which went through a number of subsequent editions. In 1917 he became director of the Petrograd Cooperative Institute. Pazhitnov worked in research institutes and in higher educational institutions. A professor at Moscow State University from 1943 to 1949, he was also a senior research worker of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1943.


Razvitie sotsialisticheskikh idei v Rossii, vol. 1. Kharkov, 1913.
Istoriia kooperativnoi mysli. Petrograd, 1918.
Iz istorii rabochikh artelei na Zapade i v Rossii: Ot utopistov do nashikh dnei. Petrograd, 1924.
Ocherki po istorii bakinskoi neftedobyvaiushchei promyshlennosti. Moscow-Leningrad, 1940.
Ekonomicheskie vozzreniia dekabristov. Moscow, 1945.
Ocherki istorii tekstil’noi promyshlennosti dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii: Khlop-chatobumazhnaia, l’nopen‘kovaia i shelkovaia promyshlennost’. Moscow, 1958.