Meiss, Millard

Meiss, Millard

(mēs), 1904–75, American art historian, b. Cincinnati. Meiss taught art history at Columbia from 1934 to 1953 and thereafter was professor at Harvard until 1958, when he joined the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. He edited several leading art journals and wrote articles and books on medieval and Renaissance painting. His books include Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death (1951), Andrea Mantegna as Illuminator (1957), Giotto and Assisi (1960), The Painting of the Life of St. Francis in Assisi (with Leonetto Tintori, 1962), French Painting in the Time of Jean de Berry (3 vol., 1967–74), and The Great Age of Fresco (1970).

Meiss, Millard (Lazare)

(1904–75) art historian; born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He studied at Princeton (B.A. 1926), Harvard (1928), and New York University (M.A. 1931; Ph.D. 1933). He worked as a building superintendent in New York City, then taught at several institutions, and was a curator of the Fogg Museum (1954–58), specializing in the Renaissance and baroque periods. From 1958 until 1974 he taught at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.