Meissner corpuscle

tac·tile cor·pus·cle

one of numerous oval bodies found in the dermal papillae of thick skin, especially those of the fingers and toes; they consist of a connective tissue capsule in which the axon fibrils terminate around and between a pile of wedge-shaped epithelioid cells; believed to be mechanoreceptors for tactile sensation. Synonym(s): corpusculum tactus, Meissner corpuscle, oval corpuscle, touch corpuscle

tac·tile cor·pus·cle

(tak'til kōr'pŭs-ĕl) One of numerous oval bodies found in the papillae of the skin, especially those of the fingers and toes; each consists of a connective tissue capsule in which the axon fibrils terminate around and between a pile of wedge-shaped epithelioid cells.
Synonym(s): Meissner corpuscle.


Georg, German anatomist and physiologist, 1829-1905. Meissner corpuscle - Synonym(s): tactile corpuscleMeissner ganglionMeissner plexus - a gangliated plexus of unmyelinated nerve fibers. Synonym(s): submucosal plexus

tac·tile cor·pus·cle

(tak'til kōr'pŭs-ĕl) One of numerous oval bodies found in the papillae of the skin, especially those of the fingers and toes.
Synonym(s): Meissner corpuscle.