Millerton Lake State Recreation Area

Millerton Lake State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:20 miles northeast of Fresno via Highway 41 and Highway 145.
Facilities:148 developed family campsites (27 with electrical hookups; 11 @di sites), 2 groupcampgrounds, 25 boat-in campsites, showers, restrooms (é), picnic areas (é), hiking and mountainbiking trails, 3 boat launch ramps, marina, boat rentals, exhibit center.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, boating, windsurfing, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Park has more than 40 miles of shore land for water sports, and thehills surrounding the lake provide good hiking opportunities. Duringwinter, special boat tours are offered for viewing bald and goldeneagles. Park also contains the original Millerton County courthouse,built in 1867.
Address:c/o San Joaquin District
PO Box 205
Friant, CA 93626

Size: 6,857 acres.

See other parks in California.