Acronym | Definition |
NFM➣National Folk Museum (South Korea) |
NFM➣Nebraska Furniture Mart |
NFM➣National Family Mediation (UK) |
NFM➣Natural Flood Management |
NFM➣Natural Forest Management (conservation) |
NFM➣Nivea for Men (personal hygiene products) |
NFM➣Natural Fertility Management (various locations) |
NFM➣Non-Fox Media |
NFM➣Neurofibromatosis (genetic disorder) |
NFM➣Not for Me (Internet slang) |
NFM➣Northern Film & Media (UK) |
NFM➣National Firearms Museum (Fairfax, Virginia) |
NFM➣Network File Management |
NFM➣Network Fault Management |
NFM➣No Further Message |
NFM➣Nippon Flour Mills Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
NFM➣NATOPS Flight Manual |
NFM➣Near Field Monitor |
NFM➣Northern Fowl Mite |
NFM➣Narrowband Frequency Modulation |
NFM➣No First Name |
NFM➣Never Forget Me (song) |
NFM➣NASA Formal Methods (Symposium) |
NFM➣Node Fault Model |
NFM➣Nuclear Force Management |
NFM➣NASA Format for the Millennia (file format for long-term preservation/display of archived digital info) |