Acronym | Definition |
NFN➣Naturisten Federatie Nederland (Dutch: Netherlands Naturist Federation) |
NFN➣Native Forest Network |
NFN➣Normal for Norfolk |
NFN➣National Federation of Nurses |
NFN➣Naples Free-Net (Naples, FL) |
NFN➣Naval Fires Network |
NFN➣Not for Noobs |
NFN➣Nederlandse Federatie van Naturistenverenigingen |
NFN➣Not for Nothing |
NFN➣Nintendo Fan Network |
NFN➣No First Name (forms completion) |
NFN➣Neural Foraminal Narrowing |
NFN➣NGO Federation of Nepal |
NFN➣Norsk Nettverk for Næringseiendom (Norwegian: Norwegian Network for Commercial Property; est. 1992) |
NFN➣Nepal Federation of Nationalities |
NFN➣National Fiber Network, Inc. |