Acronym | Definition |
OTC➣Over The Counter (stocks) |
OTC➣Over The Counter (medications not requiring a prescription) |
OTC➣Offshore Technology Conference |
OTC➣Ozarks Technical Community College (Springfield, MO) |
OTC➣Outside the Classroom (est. 2000; Boston, MA) |
OTC➣Over the Cable |
OTC➣Oriental Trading Company |
OTC➣Off the Chain |
OTC➣Open Text Corporation |
OTC➣Office of Technology Commercialization (various locations) |
OTC➣Oregon Track Club |
OTC➣On The Contrary |
OTC➣One Touch Cappuccino (Saeco) |
OTC➣Office des Transports du Canada (Canadian Transportation Agency) |
OTC➣Oxytetracycline (calcium complex) |
OTC➣Olympic Training Center |
OTC➣Ozone Transport Commission |
OTC➣Original Trilogy Collection (Star Wars) |
OTC➣Office of Teacher Certification (various schools) |
OTC➣One-Time Charge |
OTC➣Oklahoma Tax Commission (Oklahoma) |
OTC➣Officers' Training School (US Navy) |
OTC➣Ornithine Transcarbamylase |
OTC➣Order To Cash |
OTC➣One Thousand Children (Holocaust survival) |
OTC➣One Time Cost |
OTC➣Out of The Closet |
OTC➣over the Cell |
OTC➣Operations Technical Center |
OTC➣Office of Technical Cooperation (various locations) |
OTC➣L-2-Oxothiazolidine-4-Carboxylic Acid (pharmacology) |
OTC➣Oregon Transportation Commission |
OTC➣Olivia Tremor Control (band) |
OTC➣Officer Training Corps |
OTC➣Olney Theatre Center (Olney, MD) |
OTC➣Overseas Telecommunications Commission |
OTC➣Operational Test Command (US Army; formerly Test and Experimentation Command) |
OTC➣Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase |
OTC➣Operations Training Center (various locations) |
OTC➣Opportunity to Correct |
OTC➣Off the Chart (radio) |
OTC➣Office of Tobacco Control (Ireland) |
OTC➣Online Travel Company |
OTC➣Office of Telecommunications |
OTC➣Off The Clock |
OTC➣Oriental Timber Company |
OTC➣Once-Through Cooling (power plant treatment) |
OTC➣One Team Conference |
OTC➣Old Timers Club |
OTC➣Order to Show Cause (civil law) |
OTC➣Old Testament Challenge |
OTC➣Old Town Coffee (cofee shops; various locations) |
OTC➣On the Chip |
OTC➣Other than Conscious Mind (psychology) |
OTC➣Osaka Titanium Technologies (Japan) |
OTC➣One Texas Center (Austin, TX) |
OTC➣Ohio Turnpike Commission |
OTC➣Other than Caucasian (classification) |
OTC➣Oshkosh Truck Corporation |
OTC➣Oncology Treatment Center (various locations) |
OTC➣Officer in Tactical Command |
OTC➣Online Travel Corporation |
OTC➣Out There Clothing |
OTC➣Orbiter Test Conductor (US NASA) |
OTC➣Other Than Collision (insurance term meaning comprehensive coverage) |
OTC➣Omaha Truck Center (various locations) |
OTC➣Ohio Trust Code |
OTC➣Okefenokee Technical College |
OTC➣Open Track Challenge (racing) |
OTC➣Organic Theater Company (Chicago, IL) |
OTC➣Owatonna Tool Company (Owatonna, MI) |
OTC➣Operating Telephone Company |
OTC➣Output Technology Corporation |
OTC➣Open Theological College (UK) |
OTC➣Object Technology Center (Conference) |
OTC➣Open Topped Container (logistics) |
OTC➣Olivos Tenis Club |
OTC➣Ogemaw Telephone Company (Michigan) |
OTC➣Office Technology Center |
OTC➣Output Transformer Coupled (amps) |
OTC➣Ontario Teacher's Certificate (Canada) |
OTC➣On Tape Catalog |
OTC➣Okinawa Tele Message (Japan) |
OTC➣Open Technology Centre (UK) |
OTC➣Oregon Trail Council (Boy Scouts of America; Eugene, OR) |
OTC➣Organ Transplant Center |
OTC➣Out to Court |
OTC➣Orlando Tech Center (Florida) |
OTC➣Outsourcing Technology and Commercial (legal department) |
OTC➣Ottawa Tool Company |
OTC➣Operational Test Coordinator (US Navy) |
OTC➣Ottawa Torah Center |
OTC➣Organic Toxic Compound |
OTC➣On Target Commission |
OTC➣Ordnance Training Command |
OTC➣On-Scene Tactical Commander |
OTC➣Offsite Training Center |
OTC➣Online Technology Consortium |
OTC➣Ouaticha Technical College (Malvern, Arkansas) |
OTC➣Operational Training Capability |
OTC➣On the Cool |